Booking Deposit
To secure your appointment time a booking deposit of (50% cost of the appointment) or a (minimum of £50 depending on appointment price) is required.
You have 24 hours from making your appointment enquiry to pay the deposit, failing to pay with in 24 hours will result in you losing your appointment time.
If you need to change or are unable to make your appointment please notify me with in the cancellation policy period.
cancellation Policy
No cancellations or changes are allowed within 12 hours of the appointment.
Any cancellations/changes on the day of appointment will be subject to a cancellation fee of your deposit (50% cost of appointment) or the minimum price of (£50 depending on your appointment price).
Why do i need to pay a deposit or a cancellation fee?
This is to stop client’s from not turning up to their appointment or changing their appointment last minute.
Unfortunately when clients do this they leave me with a empty space, one that I can not fill due to the small or sometime no time frame they have left me. This effects my business massively.
When taking booking deposit clients are commenting to their booked appointment and are more likely to show. When taking a cancellation fee I am able to get a small amount of the lost profit back.
I hope you can understand the reasons for booking deposits and cancellation fees. If you have any enquiry please get in touch on 07428 595979
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One to one personal care – free car parking available – card or cash
open times
Monday - Thursday : 10:00 - 19:00
Friday : 10:00-18:30
Saturday - Sunday : CLOSED
Find me
Hampshire, Gosport - 23 Jellicoe Avenue - PO12 2PA
Phone: 07428 595979
© Copyright 2020 Georgia Rose – Advanced Skin, Laser & Beauty – All Rights Reserved – – –