Welcome to Georgia Rose
Advanced Skin, Laser & Beauty
07428595979 georgiaballard23@gmail.com
  • Aloe Vera Gel – This isn’t necessary unless you feel like the area is hot or irritated after the treatment. In that case, I would advice to apply every 2-3 hours until the area is cooler. 
  • Sun cream (minimum SPF30 ) on exposed treated areas for example face or arms etc..
  • TKTX Numbing Cream – Apply this 1hr to 30mins before treatment (Read instructions). This can actually help clients with more sensitive skin to get through difficult areas like intimate. Be sure to patch test any this product 48hr before your appointment. (Optional) 
  • Under no circumstances should you be waxing, plucking or doing anything that involves removing the hair from the follicle. Doing so will make the treatment less effective. Be sure to only shave or trim the hairs during your treatments.
  • Avoid direct sunlight including sun-beds 30 days before and after each treatment. This is to protect your skin and to make your treatments more effective.   
  • Avoid wearing fake tan in the area being treated for your appointment and 24 hours after. This can also effect achieving results.
  • Avoid applying any lotions, creams, oils or anything topical including deodorant, make up and skincare to the area being 1 hour before your treatment and 24 hours after if possible. 

  • Avoid saunas, steam rooms, chlorine pools and intensive exercise for the next 24 hours after a treatment. 

  • If your medication/health has changed you must tell me immediately before continuing further treatments. (including pregnancy) 
  • Ladies, plan your time of the month around your treatments if you can. This avoids discomfort and rescheduling appointments.
  • Wear baggy clothes you can easily get on and off which you don’t mind getting a little wet from the IPL gel.
  • If you feel a little heat or irritation feel free to apply thin layers of aloe vera gel. For a more cooler application place the Aloe Vera gel in the fridge before use.
  • IPL is a gental treatment and therefore 
  • Day Two: Possible open, weeping skin and signs of bruising.
  • Day Three: scabbing and itchiness.
  • Day Seven to fourteen: Scabs to be lifted and possible pink to reddish or even sliver scaly skin to be present.
  • Third to Fifth week: A reduction of your ink. 
  • Six Week: Ready for your follow up appointment. 
  • If you experience intense heat 24 hours after the treatment then please contact me. 

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open times

Monday - 1:00- 19:00
Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday : 10:00-17:00
Saturday - Sunday : CLOSED

Find me

Hampshire, Gosport - 23 Jellicoe Avenue - PO12 2PA
Phone: 07428 595979
E-mail: georgiaballard23@gmail.com