Welcome to Georgia Rose
Advanced Skin, Laser & Beauty
07428595979 georgiaballard23@gmail.com
  • With the aftercare solution apply directly on the piercing (front and back). Then with clean fingers carefully rub the solution in. If the piercing is in hard to reach areas (cartilage piercing) then apply the solution to a clean cotton bud (one with no lose cotton fibres). Clean around one side of the piercing and then turn the cotton bud around and use a new fresh side to clean the other side. You might need to repeat this process with a new cotton bud if the area is crusty.
  • Use the aftercare solution 2-5 time a day for 6 weeks. Do not exceed more than 5 times a day as this can irritate the area. After 6 weeks drop the cleaning routine to 2-3 times a day for another 6 weeks and if the area feel irritated or inflamed more on some days then increase the cleaning back to 2-5 times a day. After this only use the solution if the area flares up.
  • Do not twist, play of overly touch your piercing. This can cause swelling and infection.
  • Be careful not to get shampoo, conditioner or other body wash, gels or creams in your piercing as this can sting and cause irritation. If this happens, just rise the area with water.
  • Do not change your piercing for a minimum of 6 weeks (cartilage piercings 3-4 months) and if the area still feels tender then I recommend keeping the piercing in for another 3 -4 months.
  • If you have been pierced with a longer bar and need to downsize the piercing then please feel free to come back to me 6 weeks later and I will do this for you. (This would be discussed within your appointment).
  • If you decide to take the piercing out be sure to put another one back in the same day within the first two years of having the piercing done. This is to stop the piercing from closing up.
  • Wear loss clothing around the area being pierced to allow for easy access.
  • Eat a sugary snack before and stay hydrated throughout the day of your appointment.
  • For ear piercings I recommend purchasing a travel pillow. This is for more comfort when sleeping. The ear can sit inside the pillow.
  • When the piercing is fully healed be cautious of new jewellery you buy. Be sure it’s the same size so the piercing tunnel doesn’t shrink or feel inflamed if stretched. Be cautious the jewellery isn’t made from cheap metal as this can cause some peoples skins to inflame.
  • Book your appointments around your lifestyle.  
  • Feel free to take your own before and after pictures.
  • After the piercing you may experience a throbbing sensation. This is normal.
  • Area will feel sore to touch for weeks.
  • Piercing can take a full year to fully heal and throughout the year the piercing can get re-inflamed. This is normal, start to re-apply the aftercare solution until comfortable and power through.
  • If you start to experiencing extreme swelling pain, or discharge then you might have an infection. It’s important to stay on top of aftercare advice and if nothing improves then to message or call me on 07428 595979.
  • You can 3-5 piercing in one appointment and 6 weeks later repeat. This is to allow the body to fully heal the piercings.
  • Piercing take anywhere from 6 to 12 months to fully heal.

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open times

Monday - 1:00- 19:00
Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday : 10:00-17:00
Saturday - Sunday : CLOSED

Find me

Hampshire, Gosport - 23 Jellicoe Avenue - PO12 2PA
Phone: 07428 595979
E-mail: georgiaballard23@gmail.com